King and Queen County

King and Queen County

King and Queen County


Patrick Henry was born and raised in King and Queen County. Patrick Henry leads a volunteer troop to “Laneville” in King and Queen County, home of Richard Corbin, Receiver General of Virginia, to demand payment for gunpowder removed from Williamsburg to a place of safekeeping on the order of Governor Dunmore. Mrs. Corbin meets the troops with the information that her husband is not at home. They decline her offer to allow them to search her home for her husband.

Richard Corbin was the only native Virginian ever commissioned to so high an office in the colony, Lt. Governor; Corbin was the only man in Virginia who was trusted enough by both sides to act as an emissary in January 1776 when Dunmore and the Virginia Committee of Safety unsuccessfully tried to open negotiations. (Library of Virginia-Dictionary of Virginia Biographies) Governor Dunmore leaves Virginia after commissioning Richard Corbin Lieutenant Governor and depositing with him many valuables of the colony. Corbin buries the valuables in the cellar of his King and Queen County home, “Laneville.”

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Erin Lazar

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