Form a Local Committee
If your county, city or town is not listed, here is how to start the process:
To form a Local VA250 Committee and join in the planning for this large-scale commemoration, we ask that the local governing body designate a liaison to work with the Commission, who will serve as the local contact with the state commission, participate in planning events, and communicate regularly on events occurring within the locality. While the Commission is planning statewide programs and events, including traveling exhibitions, strong involvement at the local level is crucial. The Commission is working with hundreds of partners across the state to encourage and support local participation. Local history, after all, is the foundation on which all else is built.
For those localities that form official Local VA250 Committees, as evidenced by the passing of a resolution of support, the designation of a local contact, and the formation of a Local VA250 Committee, the state commission will provide grant funding opportunities for commemorative events and make available programs to include traveling exhibitions and teacher resources.
To every extent possible, the local committee should include representatives from:
1. Tourism, especially local attractions, lodging, and restaurants
2. Economic development
3. Education – primary through college level where possible
4. Tribal representatives
5. Museums and historic sites
6. Local historical and cultural groups
7. Local governing body
To find your local committee contact, click here or go to the Get Involved tab above. Towns not listed can check here to see a list of local DMO contacts. If an organization is already an officially VTC recognized town or regional DMO, they are eligible to become an official VA250 Committee, making them eligible for the VA250 grants as long as they pass a resolution through their town council. As was always the case, regional DMOs can now create VA250 committees, but they must have a resolution passed by ALL localities they represent to create a REGIONAL committee.
Once the local committee designee is named, please forward this form to Cheryl Wilson, VA250 Executive Director. Staff will remain in close contact with the local liaison, providing technical assistance and support. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions.