Hungar's Episcopal Church



The Hungars Cure Parish is made up of two Episcopal churches on Virginia's Eastern Shore. Christ Church is in Eastville and Hungars Church is in Bridgetown. "Cure" is an old English term; basically it defines a church partnership in which a rector serves two or more churches.

Prayer Book services have been held in Hungars Parish since 1623, when the first rector, The Rev. Francis Bolton, an Oxford graduate, came to minister to the original settlers sent from Jamestown to collect salt. The second rector was The Rev. William Cotton, cousin of Cotton Mather of New England. The third, The Rev. John Rozier, arrived in 1639. His assistant, Nathaniel Eaton, became the first principal of Harvard College. Fifty-three rectors have presided over Christ Church congregations; the graves of eight are in Christ Church yard cemetery.


Northampton County
10107 Bayside Rd
Machipongo, VA 23405


In the Area

Cheriton Historic District
21314 South Bayside Road
Savage Neck Dunes
2175 Savage Neck Rd