Expressions of Freedom

Expressions of Freedom

Essay Contest


Unleash your creativity in the Expressions of Freedom contest! Hosted by the Virginia Department of Education andVA250, this unique opportunity invites students in grades 3-12 to explore the profound meaning of “Freedom.” Express your unique perspective through artwork, videos, audio, poetry, or an essay. The most inspiring entries will be immortalized within a time capsule nestled inside the iconic George Washington statue in London, England, this summer. This is an extraordinary chance to leave your mark on history! Don’t miss this unforgettable experience. Submit your masterpiece by 11:59 PM on Friday, April 11, 2025.

Contest Criteria

Clarity of Idea:

  • How well does the Entrant use both their personal and academic experiences to clearly address the question?
  • Does the Entry effectively convey ideas, emotion, or a story visually or with words by acknowledging the past or celebrating America’s achievements and possibilities for the future?
  • Does the response offer fresh insight and innovative thinking?

Student Voice:

  • Is there passion in the Entry or a point-of-view that showcases a unique perspective on the diverse range of different experiences that make America unique in an original/authentic way?


  • What makes the submission content more compelling, fresh, or interesting than other Entrants’ content in their grade level category?

Contest Rules and Guidelines:

  1. All entries must be submitted electronically using the following link: Expressions of Freedom.
  2. All entries must be received by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, April 11, 2025.
  3. All entries must adhere to the following guidelines:

Students may submit:

  1. An essay up to
  2. 100 words – Grades 3 – 5
  3. 500 words – Grades 6 – 8
  4. 1,000 words – Grades 9 – 12
  5. Video or Audio up to two minutes; or
  6. Physical artwork must be submitted digitally through high-resolution photo.
  7. Selected participants may be asked to provide the physical submission for display and featured in a commemorative booklet during the July 4th celebration along with other VA250 commemorative events and celebrations.
  8. The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is prohibited.
  9. Parental permission is required for all entries.


2024 Contest

View the entries from the 2024 Expressions of Freedom essay contest that was distributed at the Independence Day event at the Virginia State Capitol.


Friends of Washington Statue

This London statue of George Washington, a replica of the one found in the Virginia State Capitol, will serve as the time capsule for the top entries of the 2025 Expressions of Freedom contest. It was presented to the British as a gift in 1921 and because legend says that Washington swore he would never set foot on British soil again, the statue was laid on the foundation of Virginia soil. Click here to learn more about the statue and its restoration project.