Pulaski County

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Pulaski County was formed in 1839 from parts of Montgomery and Wythe Counties. It was named in honor of Count Casimir Pulaski. Men from what would become Pulaski County were part of the Overmountain Men, George Rogers Clark’s Vincennes Campaign, Preston’s Campaign against the Cherokee and Tory Uprisings, Guilford Courthouse Campaign, and Yorktown Campaign. The famed 1775 Fincastle Resolutions were derived from men living in what would become Pulaski County. Likewise leaders such as Colonel William Christian, Colonel William Ingles, Lt. Colonel Abram Trigg, Major Joseph Cloyd, Lt. Daniel Howe, and others all lived in the area now known as Pulaski. Resources of lead, hemp, salt-peter, and beef came from the area as well and helped support the Patriot forces. Within the county, the Wilderness Road Regional Museum is housed in what once was the home of Rev. War Veteran Adam Hance. This museum has year round programming related to early settlement, Revolutionary War-Civil War focused events. Featured events are the Annual History Lover’s Tea, Loyalists in the Backcountry, the Annual Fall Festival, and Living History events. Claytor Lake State Park has the Colonel Christian Chimney and Dunkard’s Bottom site which also host collaborative events with the museum. Living History and Fall Celebration occurs each October along with other special events, lectures, and Camp Fire talks that highlight local history. Two other history related museums are located in the Town of Pulaski. The Raymond F. Ratcliffe Memorial Museum of Transportation contains local history ranging from the early settlers through the Industrial timeframe, which a strong emphasis on the history of railroad. A wonderful museum is likewise located in the Historic Courthouse with a showcase section on all the Servicemen and women of the County. The exhibit starts with the French & Indian War and has displays through the current timeframe. Throughout the county there are numerous cemeteries containing our Rev. War Veterans and many other collateral points of interest ranging from the 1773 Ingles Tavern to the early churches.

Local Events

Remembering the 250th of RevereRemembering the 250th of Revere's Ride
April 18, 2025 - April 18, 2025
Pulaski County

Join the Pulaski County 250th of the American Revolution Committee along with Wilderness Road Regional Museum for an event to mark the 250th Anniversa... Read More

VA250 Commission


April Martin