Paul's Ottobine Historic Mill



Constructed in 1937-1938, Paul's Ottobine Mill in Rockingham County is a largely intact water-powered gristmill that illustrates traditional mill construction with such features as chamfered posts, a pivoting millstone crane, and vintage machinery. The two-story gambrel-roofed mill, which stands on the foundation of an earlier mill, was built for Judge John Paul, Jr. Records indicate a mill stood at the site as early as 1799, and Paul family ownership dates back to 1840. Today's mill retains an overshot wheel and metal flume as well as extensive machinery including millstones, belt drives, and elevators. The Ottobine Mill closed in 1954 and is currently serving as a residence.


Rockingham County
Historic Site
8061 Judge Paul Rd
Dayton, VA 22821


In the Area

Lincoln Homestead & Cemetery
7884 Harpine Highway
Baxter House Historic Home
North of Harrisonburg on VA 42