Brandon Plantation

Brandon Plantation


Brandon Plantation was originally the Halifax County homestead of the Brandon family, who settled here in the mid-18th century. The present house, a two-part vernacular dwelling, was built in 1800 and enlarged ca. 1842. The plain but forthright country Greek Revival mantels and stair in the later section are attributed to Thomas Day, a well-known black cabinetmaker of nearby Milton, North Carolina. Day, whose shop produced a wealth of furniture and architectural trim, has achieved national attention as a symbol of successful black entrepreneurship in a time and region where the majority of African Americans were enslaved. An equally important feature at Brandon Plantation is the rare, carefully restored ca. 1800 kitchen/slave house with its unusual extended cornice. The building is an example of the fast-disappearing service structures that once were a ubiquitous feature of the Southern agrarian landscape.


Halifax County
Historic Site
23500 Brandon Rd
Spring Grove, VA 23881


In the Area

Fourqurean House

South Boston
Staunton River Bridge Fortification
1035 Fort Hill Trail