Otter Creek Archeological Site

Otter Creek Archeological Site


This site includes a prehistoric settlement dating from the last half of the late Woodland Period (AD 1300-1600). Within the area are undisturbed prehistoric cultural features and postmolds as well as well-preserved faunal and floral remains. This material holds significant information on regional environmental adaptation and settlement patterns during this period. The site's location on a remote upland spur of the Blue Ridge Mountains is highly unusual for this region and may provide data that helps to identify networks of communication and trade connecting Dan River-related cultures on both sides of the Blue Ridge Mountains. The discovery of fired lumps of pottery clay suggests onsite manufacture of vessels and pipes.


Franklin County
Historic Site

Ferrum, VA 24088


In the Area

Washington Historic Iron Furnace
Furnace Creek
Rocky Mount
Ferrum College
215 Ferrum Mountain Rd