Afro-American Historical Association of Fauquier County - AAHA

Afro-American Historical Association of Fauquier County - AAHA


African American Museum, History and Genealogical Resource Center also known as AAHA. Guided tours are available to adults for $5.00, students and seniors $2.00 per hour. The museum houses 18 exhibits focusing on Fauquier County and African Americans from Slavery to the Civil Rights Movements. The Charcoal Gallery - include historic depictions of Fauquier's second and third generation of African American. The Reference Library contains over 2,000 titles and the Genealogy Center houses resources necessary to document Fauquier's and surrounding Counties early African Americans free and enslaved.


Fauquier County
4243 Loudoun Ave.
The Plains, VA 21098


In the Area

5310 Blantyre Rd
Little Georgetown