Media Resources

About VA250

America. Made in Virginia

From its founding ideas to its leading figures, more of what made America happen, happened in Virginia. As America prepares to mark 250 years of Independence, the Virginia American Revolution 250 Commission (VA250) invites you to come reconnect with your country, in the place that made it possible. Join us at

VA250 Enabling Legislation


2024 Annual Report

2023 Annual Report

2022 Annual Report

Leadership & Membership

The VA250 Commission is comprised of individuals representing the Commonwealth’s government, private and non-profit sectors and coordinates the Commemoration’s planning and development and includes representatives from historical sites and museums across Virginia, leadership of Virginia’s Indian tribes, members of the Virginia legislature and citizen members. The Commission is chaired by Delegate Terry L. Austin and vice-chaired by Senator Mamie E. Locke.

Click here for a full list of VA250 Commission Members.

Honorary Leadership Council

The VA250 Honorary Leadership Council includes Governor Glenn Youngkin, all nine living former Virginia governors, the state’s entire congressional delegation, key state officials, and is headed up by the VA250 National Honorary Chair, Carly Fiorina. will be giving their voices towards the 250th commemoration. This bipartisan group serves as a guiding force for the commemoration, ensuring its authenticity and inclusivity.

Click here for a full list of the Honorary Leadership Council.

Important Dates

The Revolution didn’t just start in 1776. There were many events leading up to it that Virginia will be commemorating. Here are just some of those dates:

March 23, 2025: 250th Anniversary of Patrick Henry’s “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” speech
March 24 – 26, 2025: Final Convening of A Common Cause To All
May 2026: Sail250
July 4, 2026: 250th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence
October 19, 2031: Yorktown Victory Day

Local Committees

There are 134 cities and counties in Virginia all of whom have been invited to form committees to showcase their own revolutionary history and events. Click here to see a current list of local VA250 committees and to access links to their membership and activities.

Plans in Development and Available Resources

Current plans in development include:

Events in celebration of the 250th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 2026.

A Signature Exhibition of history and artifacts to be housed within and curated in partnership with the Virginia Museum of History and Culture (VMHC) and the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation (JYF), and will include a travelling panel exhibition available to all Virginia localities.

Grant opportunities in partnership with Virginia Tourism Corporation and Virginia Humanities, VA250 provides funding opportunities to support Virginia local committee programming.

Educational opportunities in support of Virginia schools and educational institutions.

Events and Places to Visit

The VA250 website includes a Statewide Calendar showing Commission signature events as well as local events and sites of historic interest. There will be an interactive map on the website that will allow visitors to search by location and area of interest.

How To Get Involved

Those wishing to get involved can contact their local committee or the Commission staff for more information on volunteer opportunities, how to donate, and other ways to support the commemoration.

Communication Guidelines

For the VA250 logo, brand guidelines, social media, and more, please visit the VA250 Communication Toolkit.


Standard Logo

Standard Tagline Logo

For any variations such as solid color or stacked, please reach out to:

Trevor Grimm
Marketing & Brand Director
(757) 936-2360

Photo Gallery

Fourth of July
Common Cause 2024

Photos are offered to editors, publishers and journalists in the media for editorial use only. Commercial or personal use is prohibited. All photo credits must be given to “VA250 Commission”.

Media Contacts

Mike Frontiero, Chief Communications Officer

For media inquiries, please call (804) 823-9016

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More Information

For media and press releases, click here.

To subscribe to our newsletter, click here.

For a full list of staff and contact information, click here.

Follow us on social media @VARevolution250 #VA250