Fauquier County

Fauquier County

Fauquier County


From the book “Fauquier County in the Revolution”:

“Anyone with even cursory knowledge of the story of the American war for independence is aware that Fauquier County, Virginia had no important part in that classic struggle. No battle of even minor skirmish took place within her borders. None of her sons held key positions in either the military or political field. Her boundaries were never violated by enemy troops and, with a single exception, not even the friendly armies of neighboring states crossed her rolling countryside. One might ask, therefore, ‘Why Fauquier?’

It is for these very reasons (and a few others) that we have chosen to write about Fauquier. We readily concede that such a book might be written about a score of counties in Virginia, about hundreds of shires and counties throughout the thirteen original states. In a quiet county, remote from the maelstrom, the average man could view the great panorama of human conflict and decide for himself the extent of his involvement. The men who went to war from Fauquier, for the most part, did so because they believed it to be their duty. Many remained behind but contributed heavily to the cause. By accident of geography and the fortunes of war, Fauquier County was ideally situated to accomplish that purpose.”

Local Events

250th Commemoration of Dunmore250th Commemoration of Dunmore's War
August 10, 2024 - August 11, 2024
Fauquier County

In late July and early August 1774, Royal Governor Dunmore stayed with Lord Fairfax at his Greenway Court estate in White Post to gather troops from B... Read More


Patrick Mauney

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