Virginia Resolved: A Commemoration of Independence

Virginia Resolved: A Commemoration of Independence


Join us on June 7th at Stratford Hall for Virginia Resolved: A Commemoration of Independence, a day of festivities marking the 249th anniversary of Richard Henry Leeā€™s Resolution on Independence.

On June 7, 1776, acting on the instructions of the 5th Virginia Convention, Northern Neck native Richard Henry Lee introduced in the 2nd Continental Congress a motion to recognize the Colonies as ā€œfree and independent statesā€ and ā€œdissolve all political connectionā€ between them and Great Britain.

This commemorative day will open with a Citizenship Ceremony in the Council House at 10:00am, welcoming young Americans. Enjoy a Student Art Exhibit presented by Westmoreland County High School and relax while listening to colonial music in the Great House. Meet Richard Henry Lee as he engages in lively conversations on independence and presents on behalf of Virginia the resolutions that ultimately severed ties with Britain. Experience 18th century living history demonstrations, including colonial foodways programs, musket demonstrations by several chapters of the Virginia Sons of the American Revolution, and cavalry drills by Horses in Action portraying the 1st Continental Light Dragoons and 4th Light Dragoons ā€“ Moylanā€™s Horse. Also visit with our Northern Neck community partners and local food trucks, engage in hands-on activities, and explore the Great House and grounds of Stratford Hall.

This family-friendly event is in partnership with the Jessie Ball duPont Fund and Northern Neck 250 (NNK250).

Pre-registration is encouraged. Tickets include entrance to Stratford Hall for all Virginia Resolved activities and access to the Great House and grounds. Register at:


June 07, 2025 - June 07, 2025
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Westmoreland County

Stratford Hall
483 Great House Road
Stratford, VA 22558

Category: Special Event