18th C. Saturday at the Station

18th C. Saturday at the Station


This spring, the Roanoke History & O. Winston Link Museums' Saturday at the Station will travel back in time to the 18th century! Between 11am - 2pm on Saturday, April 5, all admission is just $3, and visitors can experience 18th c. games, clothing, and sensory stations in the museum's Revolutionary War exhibitions. Plus, hear from Fincastle Company's living history interpreters who will be onsite in period clothing, talking about 18th c. life on the frontier. Stop by the N&W passenger station in downtown Roanoke to see 18th century history come alive!


April 05, 2025 - April 05, 2025
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
City of Roanoke

Roanoke History & O. Winston Link Museum
101 Shenandoah Ave NE
Roanoke, VA 24016

Category: Special Event