Summer Series Part III: From Awakening to Secularism

Summer Series Part III: From Awakening to Secularism


The first Great Awakening is often depicted as having a direct correlation to the American Revolution. However, many of those who crafted America’s founding documents had a jaundiced view of such clerical figures as Jonathan Edwards. A counter-movement with a more secular bent is what followed that time of high spirituality and experiential religion. St Luke’s Executive Director, John Ericson examines the religious movement of the 1740s and its counter-movements in the following decades. Drinks and snacks will be provided.


August 06, 2025 - August 06, 2025
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Isle of Wight County

St. Luke's Historic Church & Museum
14477 Benn’s Church Boulevard
Smithfield, VA 23430

Category: Lecture/Seminar