Cooking Corner: Make Colonial-Era Gingerbread

Cooking Corner: Make Colonial-Era Gingerbread


Some of the dishes we eat today were also enjoyed by our colonial ancestors, but often with variations. Come join us in our Makerlab as we discuss the history of making cakes and quick-breads in colonial America, share the similarities and differences from modern baking in techniques and ingredients, and walk through the steps of baking a pan of gingerbread, using Mary Ball Washington’s recipe. According to tradition, Mary Ball Washington, George Washington’s mother, served this dish to General Lafayette when he visited her in Fredericksburg, Virginia.


February 07, 2026 - February 07, 2026
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Stafford County

Howell Branch - Central Rappahannock Regional Library
806 Lyons Boulevard
Fredericksburg, VA 22406

Category: Other