Clash of Giants: Jefferson vs. Buffon and the Battle for America's Natural Legacy

Clash of Giants: Jefferson vs. Buffon and the Battle for America


Join us for an interactive event that explores the historic intellectual clash between two of the 18th century’s most influential thinkers: the French naturalist Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon, and Thomas Jefferson. This event will delve into their famous disagreement over Buffon’s controversial theory of “American Degeneracy,” which argued that the flora, fauna, and even the people of the Americas were biologically inferior to those of Europe, a view that Jefferson passionately contested.
Buffon’s claims, which he published in his "Histoire Naturelle", suggested that the New World was a place where the environment and climate had a negative influence on both animals and humans. Jefferson, a man of reason and scientific curiosity, took strong issue with Buffon’s assertions, defending the American wilderness and its creatures, as well as the potential of the American people. He believed that the evidence in favor of American excellence—both in its diverse natural environment and in the spirit of its citizens—was overwhelming.
Learn how Jefferson’s response to Buffon’s theory reflected the growing divide between the Old World and the New World.

Guests will have the opportunity to view an original copy of Jefferson's book, "Notes on the State of Virginia", and engage in hands-on activities that explore ideas found in the book.
Celebrate this pivotal moment in the history of science and philosophy, where the power of ideas collided, challenging perceptions of nature, race, and the emerging American nation.


February 19, 2026 - February 19, 2026
6:30 PM - 9:30 PM
City of Martinsville

Virginia Museum of Natural History
21 Starling Ave.
Martinsville, VA 24112

Category: Special Event