Joyeux Anniversaire, Marquis de Lafayette!
Today in 1757, the Marquis de Lafayette was born. Join us for this event...and a celebratory dessert!This presentation with Frank Womble of the American Friends of Lafayette and Isle of Wight County Museum staff will include an overview of Lafayette's life and legacy as well as information on his connections to Isle of Wight County, his participation in the American Revolution and his lifelong passion for human rights.
As part of the event, guests will be able to enjoy The Life and Legacy of The Marquis de Lafayette, a traveling exhibit developed by The American Friends of Lafayette which tells the important stories of Lafayette’s life as well as a focus on his return as Guest of the Nation in 1824 and 1825. This exhibit strives to make Lafayette’s story more accessible and relevant to today’s citizens.
On this final day of this exhibit's stay at the Isle of Wight County Museum, guests will be to engage with and ask questions of the American Friends of Lafayette who will be in attendance.
The event will conclude with a celebratory reception hosted by the Colonel William Allen Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution.