A Common Cause to All: A Convening of the States

Monday, March 24 – Wednesday, March 26, 2025
The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

Sunday, March 23

Optional (Richmond): To mark the 250th anniversary of Patrick Henry’s famous “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” speech, the Virginia Museum of History & Culture will be livestreaming the historical reenactments from St. John’s Church at 1:30 pm and 3:30 pm. Also, all Common Cause registrants get free admission to the VMHC and access the Virginia’s official 250th exhibition, “Give Me Liberty: Virginia & the Forging of a Nation,” which was produced in partnership by the VMHC and Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation, and is presented by VA250.

Monday, March 24

Optional toursJamestown, Yorktown, Colonial Williamsburg, Fort Monroe, Museum Booth Exhibits
NoonRegistration Opens
5:00 pmWelcome to Virginia Reception
6:00 pmDinner & Keynote Speaker

Tuesday, March 25

7:45 amBreakfast
8:30 amMorning Keynote
9:15 amRenewing American Democracy Panel
10:15 amDiscussion with Rick Atkinson
11:00 amMorning Presentation
11:45 amLunch
1:00 pmDiscussion with Ken Burns
2:00 pmAfrican American Perspectives Panel
3:00 pmIndigenous Perspectives Panel
3:45 pmEducational Resource Fair
5:30 pmProcession to the Governor's Palace
6:00 pmStates Dinner at The Governor's Palace
8:00 pmThe American Revolution by Ken Burns at Governor's Palace (Preview open to the public)

Wednesday, March 26

7:45 amBreakfast
8:30 amMorning Keynote
9:15 amMorning Presentation
10:00 amMuseums/Historic Sites Panel
11:00 amState/Local Planners Panel
12:00 pmLunch
1:00 pmClosing Keynote
2:00 pmClosing Event in Colonial Williamsburg Historic Area