A Common Cause To All 2023

A Common Cause To All 2023

A Common Cause To All

A Convening of States on the 250th Anniversary of the call for Committees of Correspondence

March 10 – 12, 2023

  • VA 250 139 WEB
    Colonial Williamsburg Fife & Drum.
Photo Credit: Kathy Taylor Scott Photography, LLC

“Welcome to Virginia. We are all now Americans.”

Kurt Smith as Thomas Jefferson

During this first gathering of states to plan for the 250th anniversary of American independence, planners from 34 states and more than 50 Virginia localities gathered in Williamsburg for a weekend of collaboration, cooperation, and education.

Mirroring the Committees of Correspondence, through which colonies began to communicate and unify action, A Common Cause to All catapulted Virginia into a national leadership role for the semiquincentennial, convening planners, seeking partnerships, and sharing information. The event was overwhelmingly well-received, with a chorus of requests for the continuation of such convenings each year.

The nearly 300 attendees engaged in presentation of the latest data on what Americans are looking for in the 250th, networking opportunities, and inspiration provided by the commission and its partners, The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, the Virginia Museum of History and Culture and the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation.

A Common Cause To All Resolution March12.2023 BorderCulminating the weekend, an emotion-packed Closing Ceremony was held on the steps of the Raleigh Tavern, where Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, and other members of Virginia’s Committee of Correspondence met, 250 years earlier. Delegates unanimously adopted a Resolution of the States Gathered in Partnership, pledging to join in a new common cause – for all Americans to unite in reflection, celebration, and aspiration as we continue our national journey together.

In The News

A Common Cause To All - AASHL

A Common Cause to All| AASLH Blog

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Source: American Association for State and Local History

Finding Our Common Cause for America’s 250th Birthday

Finding Our Common Cause for America’s 250th Birthday

March 23, 2023
Source: Time Magazine

Bolling: Virginia American Revolution 250 Commemoration

March 13, 2023
Source: Bearing Drift

Organizers gather in Williamsburg to begin planning for America's 250th anniversary

Organizers gather in Williamsburg to begin planning for America’s 250th anniversary

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Source: 13 News Now

Virginia is ready to mark an American milestone

Virginia is ready to mark an American milestone

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Source: Travel Courier

VA250, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation to Host Nation’s First Planning Event for America’s 250th

VA250, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation to Host Nation’s First Planning Event for America’s 250th

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Commission Planning America’s 250th Anniversary Attempts Reset

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More News

Program & Presentations

Hosted By

Colonial Williamsburg

VA250 Commission

In Partnership With

Virginia Museum of History and Culture

Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation

Acknowledgements To

Dominion Energy

Americana Corner

Special Thanks To:
Capital Chips
George Mason’s Gunston Hall
Library of Virginia
Newport News Tourism
Office Historic Alexandria
Stratford Hall
Virginia Diner
Virginia Living Magazine
Virginia Tourism Corporation
Williamsburg Chapter, DAR

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